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Why Anti-Static Plastic Partitions Are Perfect for Cleanrooms? 


Advantages of Using Anti-Static Plastic Partitions in Cleanrooms

Anti-static plastic partitions by Andisco are plastic based products that possess properties that enable them to resist the accumulation of static electricity. None of them are fixed in a room or a laboratory where handling of electronic gadgets or volatile chemicals takes place. Anti-static plastics can offer the following benefits in cleanroom environments: Anti-static plastics can offer the following benefits in cleanroom environments:

- Prevent ESD Damage: Anti-statics plastics work by releasing the electrostatic charges instead of building them up thereby minimizing the chances of ESD on sensitive electronics like micro-chip boards and computer related items. Components or products that might easily be affected by static electricity have to be packed and stored in a static-proof manner. 

- Improve Workplace Safety: By using the anti-static plastic partitions, it becomes easier to minimize risks like fires or explosion that are likely to occur with the use of highly flammable chemicals and explosives. 

- Easy to Clean: Anti-static plastics do not attract dust or dirt on surfaces, and as such, they only require wiping or washing to clean. They keep the environment very clean and move away from the normal life environment which may contain bacteria necessary in medical laboratories. 

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