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How to choose between cast acrylic and extruded acrylic?

2024-10-02 03:15:03
How to choose between cast acrylic and extruded acrylic?

Having to choose between the two kinds of acrylic? Guess what, you are in luck. You can choose either cast acrylic or extruded acrylic by Andisco. The types have their special features and they are used for several purposes. This post will serve as a simple guide to have you become more acquainted with these two types which, in turn, would help us select the one that best suits our needs. 


What acrylic is best for your project?  

It also depends on what you want to make and how long do you intend the piece, or pieces if joined together, be used. If you are by any chance manufacturing something that requires extreme accuracy, so wood will not fulfill your requirement cast acrylic is for such output. Liquid acrylic is poured into a mold and left to cure, creating Casting Acrylic. The process creates a very smooth and clear surface, making it great for projects that need to fit together just right. 

However, if you are creating something that does not require as much exactness like a decorative item or merchandise display then extruded acrylic is probably a better choice. Extruded acrylic is when the clear liquid form of it has been pushed through a roller system to create sheets, which offers a more textured finish. It works for a lot of things, despite not quite having that smoothness as cast acrylic.  

Cast vs Extruded Acrylic

One of the biggest variations. A cast acrylic has a crystal-clear finish, it looks nicer and is less likely to crack or break. This makes it perfect for things you want to last. Extruded acrylic is not suitable for applications that need to be machined because the surface of extruded will have a somewhat rougher finish and may crack. The other issue you need understand with terms made form material, rather distinction between gel. This is why green cast acrylic should be used when high precision and strength are required in the design or extruded for less accurate projects. 

Considerations When Selecting Acrylic

There are a few things to consider when trying to determine which is better for your project: cast or extruded acrylic. First thing: it costs something. Cast acrylic is normally more expensive than extruded. It is worth noting should you work on big project and need a lot of materials. 

On the side of availability. All these color varieties could turn the cast acrylic into a hard material to be found in local stores and, for those that need it on bigger quantities; this may represent some difficulties due its scarcity. I don't typically have issues with extruded acrylic because it is easy to come by. 

Also take into account color palettes. Cast acrylic is available in a variety of different colors if you have this specific requirement for your project. This means that you get a wider range of alternatives to choose from. There are only a few standard colors available with Extruded acrylic, and they might not be for you. 

Think about what you are making size wise. It can form bigger and intricate shapes than extruded acrylic. For large or complex shapes, you probably want to stick with colored cast acrylic sheets.  


So, at the end of it all, deciding between cast and extruded acrylic really hinges on what your ultimate project is going to be. With their distinctive properties, desktops are best when made from cast acrylic; extruded version is just as good to be with, and both of them can melt easily. Keep price, availability and optional color ways in mind and consider the size of your project when you come to a decision. Having all these in your head, you can decide the perfect kind of acrylic for your project to begin with (and make more beautiful art).